Translation status
Strings1237 |
3.2% | Translate |
Words6343 |
3.5% |
6343 words1237All strings
219 words39Translated strings
219 words39Strings waiting for review
6124 words1198Strings needing action
6124 words1198Not translated strings
1 word1Strings with suggestions
6123 words1197Strings needing action without suggestions
14 words13Strings with any failing checks
1 word1Failed check: Unchanged translation
14 words13Failed check: Inconsistent
Translation Information
Project website | | |
Translation process |
Translation license | GPL-3 | |
Repository |
Repository branch |
, 563d68895 years ago
Repository containing Weblate translations | |
Filemask | src/main/res/values-*/strings.xml |
Monolingual base language file | src/main/res/values/strings.xml |
Translation file |
Browse all translation changes
Percent | Strings | Words | |
Total | 1237 | 6343 | |
Translated | 3.2% | 39 | 219 |
Needs editing | 0.0% | 0 | |
Failing check | 1.1% | 13 |
Last activity
Last change | Sept. 15, 2020, 4:27 p.m. | |||
Last author | Bob Melander |